Medieval Castles

Medieval Castle

Medieval Castles
English Medieval Castles - a really fascinating subject! Medieval Knights, their ladies, the Battles, the Kings and their Knights! Great stone fortresses providing a stronghold, a haven of safety! The Medieval Castles, built in the Middle or Dark Ages saw many great battles.

"A safe retreat against intrusion or invasion"

Life in Medieval Castles
The life of the Kings, Queens, Knights, Lords and Ladies were made comfortable by their servants. What was life like in the Medieval castles?

Picture of a Medieval Castle
English Castle History
Medieval Castles 
Parts of a Castle  
Medieval Knights 
Motte & Bailey Castles 
Medieval Period 
Medieval Weapons 
The Tower of London 
Arthurian Legend 
English Castles 
Welsh Castles 
Irish Castles 
Scottish Castles 
Castles Sitemap 
Castles Index  
Picture Gallery
  • Who were the Medieval Kings and Queens of the Middle Ages?
  • What different rooms were there?
  • What entertainment was there?
  • Medieval Jousting and Castle Tournaments?
  • What was Medieval food and drink like for the people who lived and worked in a castle?
  • What was the furniture like?
  • What was the Knight's Code of Chivalry?

Medieval Castles

These old Medieval Castles were a symbol of wealth and power and were often the centre of historic battles and Medieval sieges! These great old castles were built for Medieval warfare and defence.

  • Why were they important?
  • Who built the great fortresses? What was their History?
  • What were the different styles of Architecture?
  • The Moats! Dungeons! Towers! Murder Holes!
  • What were the other parts of the fortresses called?
  • What were the battles like? What weapons did they use?
  • Who lived in the them?
  • What was life like in the old English Medieval Castles?
  • What are the greatest and most famous?

Medieval Castles
The Medieval era spanned many hundreds of years from the Norman Invasion of 1066 up to the Tudor dynasty of the 1500's. During this time the architecture and living standards in the Medieval castles changed considerably. The History of the great fortresses followed through several distinct periods:

  • The Wooden Motte and Bailey Middle Ages Castles
  • The Romanesque Medieval Castles of the Normans which featured the Stone Keeps
  • The massive Concentric Castles built by Edward I
  • The changes to the Middle Ages Castle with the emergence of Gothic Architecture
  • The Coastal forts and palatial luxury of the Middle Ages Tudor Castles

Facts and information regarding of all of these subjects are covered in considerable detail via the links provided on this site. Everything you need to know about a castle built during the Middle Ages and the lives of the people who lived in them!

Medieval Castles
There are many questions surrounding the subject of the castles of the Middle Ages and each has been addressed separately providing facts and historical information specifically relating to the life and times of the people who inhabited the Middle Ages castles. Select one of the following links and enter the World of Medieval Castles!

Medieval Castle Life
Medieval Castle Architecture
History of Medieval Castles
Medieval Castle Interiors
Rooms in a Medieval Castle
Medieval Castle Furniture

Medieval Castles

Medieval Castles

  • What different rooms were there in castle built during the Middle Ages?
  • What entertainment was there for people who lived in a castle built during the Middle Ages?
  • The interiors of a castle built during the Middle Ages?
  • What was the furniture like in a castle built during the Middle Ages?
  • The History of a castle built during the Middle Ages?
  • Medieval Castles
Middle Ages Castles - Famous - History - Facts - Information - Info - Old - Medieval - Mediaeval - Middle Ages - Medevil - Medevial - Meadieval - Madieval - Meideval - Medievall - Midieval - Midevil - Mideval - Casttles - Carstles - Cassels - Cassells - Carsels - Carsells - Carsels - Carstles - Carsalls - Fortress - Citadel - Court - Donjon - Fasthold - Middle Ages Castles - Fort - Fortress - Garrison - Keep - King - Knight - Safehold - Stronghold - Tower - Moat - Dungeon - Defence - Battle - Build - Defend - England - English - Court - Life - Times - Era - Period - Layout - Architecture - Medieval Castles - Medieval Castles - Famous - History - Facts - Information - Info - Old - Medieval - Mediaeval - Middle Ages - Medevil - Medevial - Meadieval - Madieval - Meideval - Medievall - Midieval - Midevil - Mideval - Casttles - Carstles - Cassels - Cassells - Carsels - Carsells - Carsels - Carstles - Carsalls - Fortress - Citadel - Court - Donjon - Fasthold - Middle Ages Castles - Fort - Fortress - Garrison - Keep - King - Knight - Safehold - Stronghold - Tower - Moat - Dungeon - Defence - Battle - Build - Defend - England - English - Court - Life - Times - Era - Period - Layout - Architecture - Medieval Castles - Medieval Castles - Famous - History - Facts - Information - Info - Old - Medieval - Mediaeval - Middle Ages - Medevil - Medevial - Meadieval - Madieval - Meideval - Medievall - Midieval - Midevil - Mideval - Casttles - Carstles - Cassels - Cassells - Carsels - Carsells - Carsels - Carstles - Carsalls - Fortress - Citadel - Court - Donjon - Fasthold - Middle Ages Castles - Fort - Fortress - Garrison - Keep - King - Knight - Safehold - Stronghold - Tower - Moat - Dungeon - Defence - Battle - Build - Defend - England - English - Court - Life - Times - Era - Period - Layout - Architecture - Middle Ages Castles
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