Flying Buttress


Introduction of the Flying Buttress
The Flying Buttress was an innovative feature of Medieval Gothic architecture following the prior introduction of the buttress in earlier Medieval Romanesque (Norman) architecture. The buttress was introduced when the weight of the ceilings would tend to buckle the walls outward and large piles of stone would be stacked along the wall in intervals to buttress (or support) the walls from pushing outward - these piles of stones became included in designs of structures, such as castles and cathedrals and were called buttresses. Gothic architecture and design allowed architects to spread the weight to different points of the castle

Parts of a Castle
Castles Index 

Flying Buttress

  • What was the Origin, Meaning or Definition of a castle's Flying Buttress
  • Description of a castle Flying Buttress
  • What was the purpose of a Flying Buttress?
  • How did Flying Buttress help defenses?
  • How was the Flying Buttress attacked?

Flying Buttress

Description of the Flying Buttress
The flying buttress was introduced with Gothic Architecture during the period of 1200 - 1300  is a description of the flying buttress is described as follows:

  • The large blocks of stone used by the Normans, were replaced by shaped stone. The stone of Medieval Gothic castles was cut with precision
  • The Norman hollow walls were replaced with solid walls and pillars - allowing them to hold far greater weights - the Gothic style of Castle Building and Architecture provided much bigger castles and cathedrals!
  • Early English Gothic architecture emphasized height and used the pointed arch
  • The pointed arch could support greater weight, allowing walls to be thinner with wider window openings
  • The introduction of flying buttresses, distributed the weight of roofs and walls right down to the ground

The Flying Buttress
This section of 'Castles' provides interesting facts and information about the many different parts of Castles! The flying buttress was an essential part of Gothic castle architecture.

Flying Buttress

Parts of a Castle

  • What were the purpose of the different parts of the Medieval Castle?
  • What was the difference between the parts of a castle called the Garderobe and the Wardrobe?
  • Identifying parts of a castle - Description, purpose and function of the  Moat, Dungeon and Portcullis
  • Description, purpose and function of the Barbican, Gatehouse, Crenellations and Drawbridge
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