Castle Loopholes


Description of the Medieval Castle Loopholes
The Castle Loopholes were narrow vertical windows from which castle defenders launched arrows from a sheltered position. Castle Loopholes are also referred to as loopholes, arrow loops or bow loops. Castle Loopholes were different designs and sizes which accommodated the shape of different weapons. Castle Loopholes were accessed from wide inside areas narrowing to long, narrow apertures. The Castle Loopholes
 were built to accommodate the archers who launched arrows using the short bow, the crossbow and the longbow.

Design of the Medieval Castle Loopholes
Initially the Castle Loopholes were just simple vertical slots measuring less than two inches wide on the outside. The length of the Castle Loopholes averaged between 3 to 9 feet.

Parts of a Castle
Castles Index 
The short bow was fired vertically but the crossbow was fired horizontally. Consequently the Castle Loopholes were designed accordingly and Castle Loopholes were later designed in a cruciform - in the shape of a cross. The shape of the Castle Loopholes were plain vertical openings and apertures in the shape of a cross. The ends of the cross shaped Castle Loopholes were then changed to become rounded to provide greater manoeuvrability of the bow. These openings were called 'Oilets'.

Castle Loopholes

Castle Loopholes

  • What was the purpose of Castle Loopholes?
  • Description of a castle Castle Loopholes
  • What was the sole purpose of the medieval Castle Loopholes?
  • How did Castle Loopholes help with medieval Castle defenses?

The Medieval Castle Loopholes
Castle Loopholes were introduced with Plantagenet castles during the Medieval period dating from the 1200's. The old Medieval Castles were a symbol of wealth and power and were often the centre of historic battles and Medieval sieges. These great old castles were built for Medieval warfare and defence and new parts of the castle were designed accordingly! This section of 'Castles' provides interesting facts and information about the many different parts of Castles! The Castle Loopholes  were an important Castle part addition as a form of defence against intruders.

Castle Loopholes

Parts of a Castle

  • What were the purpose of the different parts of the Medieval Castle?
  • What was the difference between the parts of a castle called the Garderobe and the Wardrobe?
  • Identifying parts of a castle - Description, purpose and function of the  Moat, Dungeon and Portcullis
  • Description, purpose and function of the Barbican, Gatehouse, Crenellations and Drawbridge
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